During the Centenary of the World Montessori Community in 2007, Judith Sivasubramaniam shared a song she wrote to honour Maria Montessori. The first audio track below is the song performed by a group of children. The second is Judith.
Judith is a graduate of TIES and holds a degree from the Queensland Conservatorium of Music. She is an accomplished opera singer.
Her Vision, Our Imagination
We are conscious agents of creation
We share a vision, a global nation
Follow the child, as your guide, watch and wonder
Seeds we sow, spirits grow, a new Humanity
Grazie tante mille, Montessori
Per questi cuori, cantiamo insieme
We celebrate, (we celebrate) one hundred years (one hundred years)
The science of peace….
And you can be the peace that you want to see in the world.
Her vision, her vision….our imagination…
© Judith Sivasubramaniam